Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Trivia

Subject-verb agreement is one of the fundamental components of proper grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject of a sentence and the verb used to describe it. Getting this agreement right is crucial in order to maintain clarity and accuracy in your writing.

Are you a grammar nerd who loves to test their knowledge? If so, then you can test your skills with this subject-verb agreement quiz trivia! Brush up on your grammar rules and see how well you do.

1. Which sentence correctly matches the subject and verb agreement?

a) The group of people is heading to the park.

b) The group of people are heading to the park.

Answer: a) The group of people is heading to the park. (The subject, “group of people,” is singular, so the verb “is” should also be singular.)

2. Which sentence correctly matches the subject and verb agreement?

a) Each of the students have brought their own lunch.

b) Each of the students has brought their own lunch.

Answer: b) Each of the students has brought their own lunch. (The subject, “each,” is singular, so the verb “has” should also be singular.)

3. Which sentence correctly matches the subject and verb agreement?

a) The cat and the dog fights constantly.

b) The cat and the dog fight constantly.

Answer: b) The cat and the dog fight constantly. (The subject, “the cat and the dog,” is plural, so the verb “fight” should also be plural.)

4. Which sentence correctly matches the subject and verb agreement?

a) Neither the students nor the teacher was happy with the results.

b) Neither the students nor the teacher were happy with the results.

Answer: a) Neither the students nor the teacher was happy with the results. (The subject closest to the verb, “teacher,” is singular, so the verb “was” should also be singular.)

5. Which sentence correctly matches the subject and verb agreement?

a) The committee is divided in their opinions.

b) The committee are divided in their opinions.

Answer: a) The committee is divided in their opinions. (The subject, “committee,” is singular, so the verb “is” should also be singular.)

How did you do? Whether you aced the quiz or need to brush up on your grammar rules, knowing the rules of subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and accurate writing. Keep practicing and improving your skills!

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